Multiplier Event (E5) – The INTenSE web-platform
The main goal of this event will be to bring the results of the research and the new INTenSE web platform to local decision makers, stakeholders and local policy makers. In particular, the aims of this workshop will be:
- To share the project intellectual output IO3.
- To involve local decision makers and the stakeholder network of the LP partner country
- To spread the project ICT results, improving the project’s international breadth
- To explore new cooperation fields among the participants.
The specific target of this event will be local policy makers (e.g., Provincia Autonoma di Trento), ICT companies inside and outside the actual LP network, research and academic institutes (e.g., University of Trento, FBK) and social cooperatives working in the field of dementia care (e.g., Gruppo SPES). Such sets of stakeholders will be engaged in a highly interactive way to facilitate collaborative dialogue and the sharing of knowledge and ideas to create a living network of dialogue and action. Social IT supported by Gruppo SPES, will coordinate the implementation of the communication media to be used for the multiplier event. The workshop will represent a valuable chance to present the project and its outcomes, to create debate on new strategies for training professionals using ICT tools for self-experience in dementia care, and to develop a cooperation plan for the further exploitation of the project outcomes. A special focus will be on showing the functionalities and the benefits of the web platform, and fostering economic contributions to sustain the INTenSE web platform after the project lifecycle. It will be held at the end of the project and the feedback will be incorporated into the building of a business and sustainability model.