Multiplier Event (E4) – The INTenSE Dementia Simulation toolkit
Maastricht University will organize a workshop in order to disseminate the toolkit with the primary purpose to support and encourage mutual learning about dementia among EU partners and members. It will aims at encouraging new learning opportunities resulting in policy influence at the EU and national levels, and to disseminate the results of the toolkit and its contribution to professionals’ activities.vThe purpose of this workshop is to draw out the key messages and discussion points from the seminar and highlight examples of good practice and learning from the WP activities. It is structured according to the seminar programme and cross-references to relevant materials that are available on the web-based platform. Maastricht University’s strong connection with the Alzheimer Europe community will be leveraged to include the E4 within the annual Alzheimer conference, which is usually held around October (conference location will be discussed to verify feasibility). In particular, Maastricht University will:
- Disseminate IO2
- Highlight innovations, findings, influence and impacts of the toolkit
- Stress the importance of partnership-based approaches, gaining political support, and the value of creating incentives in dementia field in different forms
This event will be open to policy makers (e.g. representatives of the National Dementia Office, the Health Service Executive, the Department of Health and local health authorities, Alzheimer Europe Conference), dementia professionals, people with dementia, family care-givers and researchers working in this field