From Tuesday 12th to Thursday 14th October the first INTenSE training was held at the Dublin City University, in Dublin, Ireland. During the first day of the three-day training, participants learned about the goals and background of the INTenSE project, theoretical understandings of dementia, and self-experience. The second day focused more on hands-on activities related to self-experience. During this day, both non-technological interventions (such as role play and theater play), as well as more technological interventions (such as VR-based tools) were discussed. For example, participants had to perform a role play in pairs of two. In addition, participants could also try out different tools, such as simulation gloves or simulation glasses. On the third day, the participants started the co-creation of the INTenSE self-experience web platform and reflected on what this web platform should include and what it could look like. Furthermore, the importance of implementation was discussed.
It was an intensive but very fruitful training, which led to new input for the further development and implementation of the INTenSE toolkit and web platform. More about this training will be published in the second INTenSE newsletter (out end 2021).
We thank the partners from DCU for their very warm welcome and organization making this first training possible.