We are very pleased to announce that our project website is now online. On this website you will find general information about our INTenSE project and information about the participating partners. Furthermore, you will find information on our deliverables and products, such as the eBooklet and INTenSE dementia simulation toolkit. Throughout the project period we will regularly update the website and its content: so stay tuned!
The main sections
Going into more detail, on this project site you can navigate between the following pages:
- The Home page : in this page you can find a brief description of the project and its objectives, the featured news and INTenSE events.
- The Project page : presents and describes more in details the projects and its objectives
- The Partners page : is a page where all 5 partners involved in the INTenSE project introduce themselves and present their team
- The Platform page : is a page dedicated to the platform that will be developed during the project. On this page we will introduce its main features and some presentation images.
- The Simulation Toolkit page : is a page dedicated to the INTenSE Dementia Simulation Toolkit that will be developed during the project. Also in this page you will find the main toolkit features and some presentation images.
- The Resources page : the main steps of the project and their outcomes will be listed on this page. In addition, links will be inserted to consult the documents produced during the development of the project.
- The News and newsletter page : is a page consisting of two sections relating to news and newsletters. In the first you can find listed all the news published on the website, while in the second you can find the references to all the newsletter sent during the development of the project.
- The Events page : on this page it is possible to search for the events proposed by the project, such as multiplier events.
- The Gallery page : this gallery contains all the main images of the project collected during face-to-face meetings or online events.
- The Contact page : presents the main forms of contact with the project. If you wish to have more information about the project you can contact us by email, otherwise you can stay up to date by subscribing to the newsletter or following us on Twitter (#INTenSE_Erasmus)
We will release a bi-yearly newsletter. If you would like to receive this newsletter to stay informed, please make sure to subscribe.